The World of Malle-malle

Hello friends and welcome to the newest rubric of Malle-malleTV - "The World of Malle-malle".
Това е нашата нова рубрика, която се излъчва на живо всяка неделя от 18:00ч. на страницата ни във фейсбук here.
In this section you will meet all our characters and friends together, and we will sing songs, tell stories, make fun, interesting and creative workshops, pay attention to interesting facts on the topic of the show.

Don't miss us, it will be a lot of fun! We promise! 😉

And if you missed any of our live shows, here you can catch up and have fun.
Season 1 and Season 2.


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Банкова сметка: BG12STSA93000020353287
Титуляр на сметката: Красимир Кирчев
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